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Deal Announcement - Technology - Raynet

IMAP advised the shareholders of software specialist and service provider, Raynet GmbH (Raynet), on the participation of PINOVA Capital
(PINOVA). Raynet founder and CEO, Ragip Aydin, will keep a significant stake in the company. Through this new partnership, PINOVA and Raynet will join forces to focus on international growth and software innovation.

Raynet is a leading and innovative provider of holistic solutions in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM). Since its foundation in 1999, the company has developed into an international software manufacturer and managed service provider and provides market-leading solutions to
large and medium-sized enterprises that cover the entire ALM process. The technologies range from the inventory of a company’s software and hardware infrastructure (Software Asset Management) and the creation of software packages (Packaging & Virtualization), to software
deployment and device management (Unified Endpoint Management). The company's solutions reduce complexity, as well as costs and address current trends such as remote work, cloud computing, IoT and IIoT.

PINOVA is an independent private equity firm investing in fast-growing technology companies in German-speaking countries. It focuses on
medium-sized companies with annual revenues between €10-75 million in the Industrial Technology and Information Technology sectors, which are characterized by significant growth potential, sustainable competitive advantages and a strong market position within their niche.
The IMAP Germany team consisting of Henning Graw, Patrick Fritscher, Sebastian Dinklage and Mehmet Koc exclusively advised the
shareholders of Raynet throughout a structured M&A process and supported them in negotiating and successfully closing the transaction.

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