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Deal Announcement - Technology - Emineo

IT Relation has acquired Emineo, Sweden’s leading Oracle specialist. Emineo subsequently merged with IT consulting services provider Miracle42.

Founded in 2005 and based in Stockholm, Emineo provides database operation services and license management on subscription, as well as highly specialized consultancy services. The company, a certified Oracle audit compliance partner, generated EUR3.6 million in the 2019/20 fiscal year. Emineo will continue to act as an independent company under its own brand following the merger with Miracle42, which is a recognized leader in Denmark in managed database (DBA) services, DBA consulting and test management, as well as application hosting, operations and support. The merger creates a leading Nordic Oracle player, with 120 employees and 60 dedicated database experts.

The IT Relation group has grown rapidly from a strong regional player to becoming the leading Danish IT outsourcing services provider to the private and public sectors.

The IMAP Sweden team, led by Bengt Jönsson, Robert Svensson and Niclas Bladh, advised Emineo on the transaction.

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