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Deal Announcement - Consumer - Bunny

Lampe Privatinvest has sold Bunny Tierernährung GmbH ("Bunny"), a leading manufacturer of super-premium pet food for small mammals, to Maxburg Capital Partners ("Maxburg"). Maxburg Beteiligungen III, a fund advised by Maxburg Capital Partners, will hold a majority stake in Bunny. Oliver Petzoldt, Managing Director at Bunny, will retain a significant stake in the company and, together with his team, will continue to drive Bunny’s national and international expansion.

Bunny is a pioneer in the field of super-premium pet food for small rodents such as rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters in the DACH-region. The company offers a wide high-quality product range of basic and health food, snacks, bedding products, and hay, as well as accessories under the brand "bunny nature". Thanks to its high brand awareness and excellent market positioning in its home markets in Germany and Austria, Bunny has laid the foundation for a successful internationalization strategy and is already active in almost 30 countries worldwide.

Maxburg is an investment company focused on the German-speaking region, with a capital commitment of €600 million. With a flexible investment mandate, Maxburg concentrates on long-term company investments with the aim of permanent and sustainable value enhancement, as well as creating trusting partnerships with managers and founders. Bunny is Maxburg’s 18th investment. 

The IMAP Germany team acted as the exclusive financial advisor on the sale of Bunny, working closely with the management team and shareholders throughout the competitive sale process. IMAP provided advisory and industry expertise while managing the preparatory, marketing, due diligence and negotiation phases of the transaction, which was successfully closed in only five months.

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