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Deal Announcement - Materials - Veerkarton

P. Van De Velde Group, an international, family-owned business group that focuses on the processing and development of carton and carton packaging, has acquired the business operations of Veerkarton.

Veerkarton was established in 1956 as a paper wholesaler in the Netherlands, yet over time, shifted its focus to the design, production and distribution of cardboard packaging. With 70 employees, Veerkarton produces folding carton packaging in small and medium-sized runs for packaging wholesalers, (food) production companies and retail companies. Design, production and storage are all carried out in-house, which allows Veerkarton to be flexible and produce according to the highest possible industry standards. 

By combining these complimentary enterprises, they can now look at jointly expanding their activities in Northwest Europe. It also provides new opportunities to embrace the pan-European market shift toward folding carton packaging, which is primarily distributed in the food, drink and healthcare markets. Veerkarton will continue to operate its facilities along the same lines and the company’s existing management team will remain responsible for daily business operations. 

The team from IMAP Netherlands, led by Jan-Pieter Borst, Willem op de Hoek and Steven Klaren, advised Veerkarton throughout the sale process.

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