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Deal Announcement Industrials - Dresselhaus

IMAP Germany advises the shareholding families of Dresselhaus on sale to Nimbus. The four shareholding families of Joseph Dresselhaus GmbH & Co. KG (Dresselhaus), have sold their shares to Dutch industrial holding company, Nimbus, as part of a succession solution. With the support of Nimbus, Dresselhaus will be able to implement its optimization process more efficiently, as well as focus on sustainable and profitable growth in Germany and abroad. 

Since its foundation in 1950, family-owned Dresselhaus has become one of the leading supply chain solution providers in the fasteners and fixing technology field, both in Germany and Europe. 

The range of services includes C-parts-management for industrial customers, as well as point-of-sale solutions for commercial customers. With 5 locations in Germany and subsidiaries in France, Russia and Turkey, Dresselhaus generates annual sales of circa €220 million.

Industrial holding company Nimbus, founded in the Netherlands in the 1990s, has a portfolio of over 30 European companies and generates cumulative sales of circa €2 billion in the German-Dutch region. Nimbus selectively acquires companies that are at a turning point in their development and actively supports them. 

The IMAP Germany team, led by Henning Graw, acted as exclusive advisors to the shareholders of Dresselhaus.

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