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Deal Announcement - Building Products - LoffelFenster

Löffel Fenster + Fassaden GmbH & Co. KG (LÖFFELFENSTER) has been successfully sold to Biffar GmbH & Co. KG.

LÖFFELFENSTER is the largest manufacturer of high-quality windows made of aluminum, plastic, wood, and wood-aluminum in the Palatinate/RhineNeckar region. The company is a highly sought-after partnership of architects and property developers who carry out ambitious building projects. Being one of the few full-range suppliers in the industry, LÖFFELFENSTER is a specialist for all frame materials, and covers the complete value chain in window construction, with consulting, planning, production, and installation. LÖFFELFENSTER has a ninety-year history and employs about 90 people at its headquarters in Herxheim.

Biffar GmbH & Co. KG is a leading manufacturer of wooden and aluminum doors. The company, headquartered in neighboring Edenkoben, employs around 160 people and is represented throughout Germany, with over 30 subsidiaries and studios. The acquisition enables Biffar to add high-quality windows made of all frame materials to its existing product range, in line with the company’s growth strategy.

The transaction was a strategic win-win solution for the 2 family-owned companies: LÖFFELFENSTER was sold to Biffar as part of a succession solution. With the merger of the two regional family businesses, common synergies can be leveraged for an even more successful future. 

The IMAP Germany team, led by Karl Fesenmeyer, Christoph Gluschke, Ulrich Keesen, and Diana Conte exclusively advised the shareholders of LÖFFELFENSTER on the development and implementation of a tailor-made succession solution. This included the successful completion of the transaction process, as well as the recruitment of an experienced new Managing Director.

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