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Deal Announcement Industrials - SGA Conveyor

IMAP Sweden advises on sale of SGA Conveyor Systems to Böwe Systec.  Böwe Systec from Germany has signed an agreement to acquire a majority stake in SGA Conveyor Systems, a Swedish manufacturer and integrator of conveyor systems based in the Gothenburg area. 

Founded in 1990, SGA Conveyor Systems provides individually tailored picking, packing and transport solutions and has become a strong partner for logistics center operators. The company is particularly strong in the e-commerce market, where businesses are increasingly handling their own distribution logistics. 

Böwe Systec is one of the world’s leading suppliers of smart automation solutions. For over 70 years, the technology company’s products have streamlined and optimized work and production flows across a wide range industries.

The IMAP Sweden team acted as sole financial advisor to SGA Conveyor Systems.

Tim Persson, Director at IMAP Sweden, said

“In this case, one plus one really equals three. Böwe Systec acquires a specialist in conveyor systems with profound knowledge in automation, while SGA Conveyor gains access to an industrial group, whose global presence, knowledge and experience will enable them to take the company to the next level.”

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