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Deal Announcement Industrials - Laser Bidez

IMAP advised laser cutting specialist Laser Bidez on sale to steel wholesaler Aceros LST. IMAP is pleased to announce that Aceros LST, a steel products wholesaler, has acquired Laser Bidez, a specialist laser cutting company with facilities in Bilbao. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. 

Founded in 1995, Laser Bidez specializes in laser cutting processes for a variety of materials, including steel and aluminum. The custom pieces its produces are used in the Automotive, Railway and Machinery sectors. 

Aceros LST was formed in 2013, by a team of professionals with years of experience in the steel and industrial metallurgy sectors. The company provides an array of steel products and metal pieces, offering customized cutting and delivery of in-stock pieces within 24 hours. With the acquisition of Laser Bidez, Aceros LST strengthens its presence in the industry dense region surrounding Bilbao in northern Spain. 

The IMAP Spain team, led by Elias Martinez, acted as sole financial advisor to Laser Bidez throughout the entire sale process.

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