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Deal Announcement Building - Stenentreprender Hessleholm

Volati has acquired Stenentreprenader i Hessleholm, the leading natural stone contractor in Sweden. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. 

Stenentreprenader is one of the major natural stone contractors in Sweden. The company specializes in delivery and assembly of natural stone for façades, floors and window sills. Customers are mainly medium-sized and large construction contractors, and the company’s projects primarily consist of public buildings. 

Stenentreprenader, headquartered in Hässleholm, had net sales of USD 11 million and an EBITDA of USD 1.5 million in 2018. 

Volati is a Swedish industrial group, founded in 2003, which acquires Nordic companies and develops them with a focus on long term value creation. Volati consists of some 15 subsidiaries, with around 40 operating companies in 15 countries and annual sales of EUR 650 million. Volati’s preference share is traded on Nasdaq First North Premier. 

The IMAP Sweden team acted as sole financial advisor to Stenentreprenader.

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