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Deal Announcement Building - Pegasus Container

IMAP advised Czech modular container manufacturer, IMECON Containers, acquired 100% of the shares of its competitor, PEGAS Container. By acquiring PEGAS, IMECON becomes the largest manufacturer in the Czech market, which traditionally plays an important role in supplying EU countries. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed. 

Established in 2001, PEGAS Container manufactures steel frame based modular containers, as well as larger modular buildings built from such containers, which represent light, alternative solutions to traditional buildings. Customers include both municipalities and companies from the private sector. The company generated €17.4 million in revenues in 2018. 

IMECON Containers was founded in 1999 by local entrepreneurs and later acquired by a private equity fund in 2016. It also manufactures steel frame based modular containers and larger modular buildings. By acquiring PEGAS, the owning PE house is continuing its buy and build strategy. 

The IMAP Czech Republic team advised PEGAS Container ownership throughout the entire transaction process and in doing so, successfully completed its third sale mandate in the containers manufacturing industry. 

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