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IMAP advised LAMY, a manufacturer of designer writing instruments, on its sale to the Japanese Mitsubishi Pencil Company

With Mitsubishi Pencil, established 1887 in Japan and behind the well-known uni brand, the company found the right partner for the further development of the digital writing growth area and the expansion of international sales activities.

C. Josef Lamy GmbH, manufacturer of high-quality designer writing instruments, has been acquired by the Mitsubishi Pencil Company. With Mitsubishi Pencil, established 1887 in Japan and behind the well-known uni brand, the company found the right partner for the further development of the digital writing growth area and the expansion of international sales activities. At the same time, the LAMY brand products complement the Mitsubishi Pencil range in the premium segment.

Since 1930, the traditional company LAMY, with its headquarters in Heidelberg and more than 340 employees, has symbolised the "Made in Germany” seal. All over the world, LAMY stands for high-quality designer writing instruments with timeless, modern aesthetics and perfect functionality. The real success story began 36 years after the company was founded with the LAMY 2000: in 1966, this model established the clear, unmistakable design language that still characterises the style of all the brand's products today – the LAMY design. Today, the LAMY brand is represented in more than 80 countries with over 15,600 sales outlets, including around 200 mono-brand stores.

Vera Lamy, former co-partner of C. Josef Lamy GmbH, explains, "It was very important to us to find a company with the strength and heart to work with LAMY employees and open up a whole new chapter for LAMY together with all our partners. We found this company with the support of IMAP. We would like to thank the team for their trustworthy and dedicated support in our succession planning". Her brother and co-shareholder Markus Lamy adds, "The core of the Lamy brand will be retained and further developed. ”Made in Germany” will continue to play a key role in this. That was and is of the utmost importance to us."

Mitsubishi Pencil is a leading manufacturer of writing instruments. In addition to the well-known uni brand, the company's brand portfolio also includes the Posca and Kuru Toga brands. Mitsubishi Pencil employs more than 2,700 people worldwide in 22 international sales offices and operates 11 production facilities.

Shigehiko Suhara, sixth-generation President and CEO of Mitsubishi Pencil: "We have the greatest respect for the history and strength of the LAMY brand. We believe that the vision and corporate culture of LAMY and Mitsubishi Pencil are in perfect harmony. We are also confident that the acquisition of LAMY will provide a strong combined platform for future growth and increased shareholder value for both LAMY and Mitsubishi Pencil."

The IMAP team with Karl Fesenmeyer, Katja Schult, Adineta Gashi and Nikolaya Stoilova exclusively advised the family shareholders of LAMY as part of a structured M&A process in all phases up to the successful closing.

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